Foireann – Step 4: Invite Parent / Guardian

This will allow another parent or guardian access to the family group in Foireann.  Each additional parent or guardian will need to create an account as above and accept the invitation to the family group.  The invitation will be amber until it is accepted

There is also an option to invite additional people into the family group.  This can cover grandparents or adult children, allowing you to manage their membership.

For help on how to setup membership Foireann, please follow this guide below

Foireann – Step 1: Create GAA Account

Foireann – Step 2: Complete your profile & add club

Foireann – Step 3: Add a Family Group Name

Foireann – Step 4: Invite Parent / Guardian

Foireann – Step 5: Add Child

Foireann – Step 6: Register Membership
